
Hand holding phone

Move forward
or get left

Creativity and innovation are the wind that turns our turbines! They’re what propel us forward and provide the essential energy to fuel our natural expansion.

We’re up against strong elements like international rivalry, changing customer behaviour and technology, and insatiable consumer demand. Such factors influence what investment we make in new solutions to keep us powering forward and staying ahead.

But we’re not afraid to revisit existing tools like QR codes, and repurposing them to drive sales directly to the bottom line.

We can learn a lot from history so that, when we face external challenges like environmental and economic, we either adapt old ideas to make them future-proof or develop smart new ones.

Person wearing VR headset


  • Negate costs by maximising efficiencies for both us and our customers
  • Improve interfaces between our products and customers
  • Keep mitigating business risk
  • Develop products and service that revolutionise communications
  • Identify and fulfil unique gaps in the market
  • Challenge convention

Your contacts

Simon Hartlett

Innovations Director

Give us a

As a business, we’re of the opinion that if you’re not moving forward you get left behind. NPD is in our DNA, it’s what differentiates us from many of our peers. Give us a challenge and we’ll show you how our innovation can give you the competitive edge.

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