Gender Pay Gap Report Go Inspire – April 2023

Following legislation which came into effect in 2016, all UK employers with more than 250 employees are required to submit data relating to their “Gender pay gap” on both the government website and their own company website.

This analysis does not take into consideration the different roles being undertaken by employees but is a straightforward comparison of pay across the business. The data involved in producing this analysis relates to pay in April 2023 for Go Inspire Group Limited.

Outlined below is the information we are publishing:

  1. Percentage of men and women in each quartile
  2. Our mean gender pay gap
  3. Our median gender pay gap
  4. Our mean bonus gender pay gap
  5. Our median bonus gender pay gap
  6. The percentage of men and women receiving a bonus payment
  7. A written statement, authorised by an appropriate senior person, which confirms the accuracy of our calculations.

The information must be published on both the employer’s website and on a designated government website at

The data below relates to Go Inspire Group Limited at April 2023.

Point 1.

See the table below:

Quartile (1-High,4-Low) Number of Male Number of Female  Percentage of Female in this Quartile Females as a percentage of the overall workforce
1 78 28 26.4% 6.57%
2 80 26 24.5% 6.10%
3 88 19 17.8% 4.46%
4 59 48 44.9% 11.27%
Total 305 121 28.40%

Point 2:
Mean gender pay gap – Hourly rate for Male £20.36, Female £17.49 – Gap = 14.1%

Point 3:
Median gender pay gap – Hourly rate for Male £15.75, Female £14.46 – Gap = 8.2%

Point 4:
Mean gender bonus gap – Gap 47.04%

Point 5:
Median gender bonus gap – Gap 89.10%

Point 6:
Proportion of males receiving a bonus – 24 individuals 7.87% vs Proportion of females receiving a bonus – 16 individuals 13.22%

Background to the company, the sector we work in and its headcount

The print sector has historically been a male dominated sector and the employee base at Go Inspire Group Limited reflecting this with a significant number of long serving male employees and an historically predominantly male leadership team, although this has improved year on year.

The business is an end-to-end business with a variety of different departments and associated roles with the expectation of a difference in skills, qualifications and experience required to carry out those roles. As the business diversifies, so does the employee profile.

With these differences brings differences in the market rate for pay across those roles and departments.

The business employed 426 people at the point of the snapshot which this analysis covers, representing an increase of 39 people on the previous year. In terms of gender mix perspective, in totality, we employ 71.6% male employees (demonstrating a reduction of 4.4% on previous year) and 28.4% female employees (reflecting a 4.4% increase on previous year).


The relatively few females employed in roles within the highest earning roles drives the percentage associated with the pay gap, although this has improved compared to the prior year and this is reflected in the reduction in the pay gap.

The mean gap in pay has decreased a huge 7.9 points to 14.1% which is an extremely positive step forward in closing the gender pay gap in our industry. In addition, the median gap has also decreased significantly by 8.8 points to 8.2%.

As a business we continue to have 3 females appearing in the top 20 highest salaried employees, however, we continually look to increase the number of females employed in the business, which can be difficult in the predominantly male orientated print sector. We have nearly 7% (prior year 10%) of our overall workforce as women in the top quartile of paid employees, whilst this quartile has fallen as a percentage, the number of women in the second quartile has increased 1.8 points to 6.1% and overall, we have increased women in the workforce by 30%.

We are very clear that where we have male and female employees carrying out the same or similar role, they are broadly paid the same within their experience banding.

Closing summary

This data reflects the situation in April 2023. Since then, the business has tried to take positive steps to address any unintentional potential gender bias. We commit to ensuring that our recruitment and succession planning processes identify and encourage females to progress within the business and give them the appropriate training to enable them to progress.

This includes:

  • Focussing on recruiting female colleagues across our key functional heads of departments such as
    Finance, Marketing, Human Resources and Sales and Account Management.

As a business, Go Inspire Group Limited employs and values a diverse group of employees and does not discriminate against any of its employees whatever their background or beliefs in either recruitment, selection, training, promotion or pay. Our business has robust policies and processes in place to communicate, train and manage our business to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and consistently.

Where any breaches of its policies are identified, we will continue to take appropriate steps to deal with the breach.

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