
Bluebells in a sustainable wooded area.

Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)
& Sustainability.

At Go Inspire we expect to be held accountable, for our culture, our policies and our operational practices. We take our corporate social responsibilities (CSR) very seriously. Every business should.

We want to grow our business sustainably, so are committed to seeking out solutions that enable us to do that but which can also benefit our clients too.

Global events have caused real and lasting change in shopping behaviour and we continue to support retailers with new ecommerce offerings and expanded operations.


We aim to involve everyone in our supply chain along the way, from our own team and our suppliers to our clients. We wouldn’t ask them to do things we’re not prepared to do ourselves.

By engaging with all these stakeholders, we hope to make a difference as well as incremental improvements in not just the social and environmental challenges we face but also in theirs.

Culturally, we embrace equity, diversity and inclusion, recognising that these values are central to our continued innovation and creativity and how we best serve our stakeholders.


Actions speak
louder than

Rather than just claim we’re ‘better, simpler, greener’ we wanted to measure by how much.

We started working with internationally recognised partners who could assess our environmental, social and ethical performance and help us on our journey towards becoming a Carbon Net Zero business.





Setting the
bar high.

We set the bar high by going for the ultimate in international standards; ISO.

This both challenges us and helps us innovate across our business processes. In achieving ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 we have demonstrated that we’re using less energy and water across all our sites as well as producing less waste.

A man jumping over a hurdle on a sustainable background.
ISO 9001

ISO 9001

2015 Quality

ISO 14001

ISO 14001

2015 Environmental

ISO 27001

ISO 27001

2022 Information
Security Management

ISO 45001

ISO 45001

2018 Occupational
Health and Safety
Management System

ISO 50001

2018 Energy

Ongoing Management

Next stop

We work with ecovadis, the world’s largest, and most trusted, provider of business sustainability ratings.

It analyses our performance in environment, labour & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. In 2023, ecovadis awarded us a gold rating, which put our CSR performance in the top 25% of our peers; we’re now going for platinum!

Carbon offsetting

Carbon balanced

We’re a Carbon Balanced Printer, which means our energy usage, emissions, paper and printing processes have all been measured and balanced by the World Land Trust.

In partnering with this charity, we’re helping protect endangered species and habitats and enabling communities in Africa, Asia, Central and South America to receive the support they need.


Tonnes of

Since starting our journey towards Carbon Net Zero, we’ve balanced well over 15,000 tonnes of CO₂e, in partnership with our customers. What does that look like?

Football pitch icon


Football pitches

An area of threatened habitat the size of over 7 hundred football pitches preserved

Paper airplane icon



Nearly 7,794 flights between London and New York

Motorway icon


Laps of the M25

492,464 laps of the 117-mile long M25

our efforts
help you too.

  • We offer FSC®-certified (FSC-C023476) P8 printed & P8.4 advertising material products on request, also PEFC, recycled and carbon balanced paper stocks
  • Our biodegradable C5 envelopes with transparent, paper-based windows use 76% less energy, reduce CO₂ emissions by 68% and reduce the use of non-renewable resources by 80%.
  • All our lithographic inks are vegetable-based
  • None of our digital inks contain hazardous materials
  • Less waste: through better targeting, you’ll have fewer ‘goneaways’ and ‘undeliverables’ as more of your mailing volume will reach the right person at the right time thus lowering your environmental impact.

CSR Policies

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Sustainability Performance Chart download
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Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking read more
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Gender Pay Gap
Report read more
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Group Ethics Policy read more

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