Our blog.

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Our Blog Posts for Personalisation and Targeting

An icon with a graph and a calculator on a blue background representing data-driven personalization.


Phil Traquair on how data-driven personalisation can persuade consumers to buy anything
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A green exclamation sign.

Breaking Exclusion Zones:
Data-Driven Impact.

Data-Driven Relevance: Don’t Get Caught in Your Customer’s Exclusion Zone.
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An icon of a building featuring

Under One Roof:
Know Me, Know My Household.

Who would live in a house like this?
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A green background card for TalkTalk's Laser Focused Mail Campaign.

Laser Focused
Mail Campaign.

How TalkTalk’s laser focused direct mail campaign resulted in more conversions and less waste
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A red and white target on a blue background illustrates effective personalisation.

The real secret behind
effective personalisation

Hyper personalised, bespoke behaviour is the only way to get customers and – more importantly – to keep them.
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A group of people standing in a line with different targeting approaches.

Drive footfall with
different targeting approaches.

Our latest blog looks at ways you can make different data sets work harder to drive footfall
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A collection of business cards and brochures as inspiration for the 2023 Direct Mail Campaign.

2023 Direct Mail & Door Drop
<Campaign Format Ideas.

A world of print and direct mail and door drop format types and campaign ideas.
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A target on a blue background.

Getting to know you:
<why brands need to personalise their content.

Making the case for personalisation.
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