Our blog.

People meeting in office


We’ve been doing this for over three decades so you’d expect us to have opinions and a shedload of understanding on issues facing not just our industry but also yours.

Check out our blogs and see what we’ve got to say on a number of matters.

Our Insights
Laptop with thought bubble

Our Blog

A light bulb with a pink and blue background.

The Digital

Half of utilities customers want more frequent communication.
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A retail loyalty card on a green background.

it's time to unleash
retail loyalty.

Data can unleash the loyalty at retail’s core. To succeed, retailers will need better data – and a better understanding of what it’s telling them.
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A yellow background with a credit card icon.

Retail loyalty is earned
not owed.

Helen Godley on how brands can use data to deliver a fair value exchange for customers
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An icon of a building featuring

Under One Roof:
Know Me, Know My Household.

Who would live in a house like this?
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A credit card with a crown on it, reaping rewards.

Reaping Rewards
With Loyalty.

There’s plenty retailers can do to retain customers as the cost-of-living crisis intensifies, writes Go Inspire Group CEO Patrick Headley
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A green background card for TalkTalk's Laser Focused Mail Campaign.

Laser Focused
Mail Campaign.

How TalkTalk’s laser focused direct mail campaign resulted in more conversions and less waste
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An email icon on a pink background representing the future of mail.

Post Modern:
Making Mail Fit for the Future

Unless innovation and inspiration come to the mail channel’s rescue, its current good fortune might well reverse.
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A red and white target on a blue background illustrates effective personalisation.

The real secret behind
effective personalisation

Hyper personalised, bespoke behaviour is the only way to get customers and – more importantly – to keep them.
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